Happy Saturday to you!
I could not imagine dwelling in this world alone. Living a life void of family and friends is burdensome. Think of it—no one to share triumphs with or no one to console you in times of grief. It is impossible to live a solitary life. No matter what example you present, it just isn’t possible! Actually, it is unhealthy and destructive to journey in this life without companionship. Thank God for His vision of community. From the beginning of time, God established the significance of marriage and family. God created people for community. There are so many scriptures that fill the Bible that address the importance of being with and for others. We have been created by a God who commands us to love others. He calls us to serve others without expectation. He delights in the moments where we lift each other up. He glories in the moments where we extend kindness, grace, and mercy to one another. God is deeply offended when we wrong each other. When we knowingly wrong each other, we anger God. We are called to increase and abound in love for one another.
If you are reading this post, God is calling you to engage your community with love. Serve others more than you are doing at the present moment. There are so many ways to be a reflection of God in the sight of your community. You can intercede for your community via prayer. You can express kindness to your family, your friends, your neighbors, and the people you work and/or go to school with. You can recycle, refrain from excess, and avoid the use of toxins. You can plant trees, flowers, vegetable gardens, etc. You can volunteer at your local food bank, or commune with the elders at senior centers/homes. You can forgive those who have wronged you. You can seek out forgiveness from those you have wronged. You can express thanksgiving every time good things happen in your life. You can encourage those in your life who are in pain with loving and powerful remarks. You can sit quietly and hold hands with a friend or loved one in need. You can baby-sit for a friend who has an upcoming interview. You can cook meals for a loved one who just came home from surgery. There really is so much you can do today to let love abound.
These are a few of the actions that demonstrate God’s love. These are tangible expressions of God’s love that many people in your community need to experience. You can be a vessel ready for every good work. All it takes is love, humility, and willingness. Are you willing today to love others? Are you willing to give what you can afford to lift someone up? Are you ready to be a positive force in your community? If you answered yes, now is your time. May God bless you as you serve others at a greater level. Until next time,