Happy Monday to you!
I hope you enjoyed your weekend. For me, the past 5 days were too hectic. I was on the go non-stop, and my spirit yearned for serenity. Fortunately, I was able to enjoy some peace and quiet on Sunday evening. For those few hours of solitude, I was extremely grateful. Last night, after dinner, I retreated to my room for Bible study. In particular, I reviewed my notes on the book of 1 Peter followed by a reading of 2 Peter. Honestly, it's been quite a while since I perused those two books. I must admit, reading them was quite refreshing. There were some passages that empowered me, some passages that convicted me, and some passages that settled my spirit. These two books alone are filled with so much insight that I have to review them throughout the 6 days ahead. In fact, my enjoyment of 1 and 2 Peter was so immense that I decided to stop by and share some of the wisdom I acquired with you. Perhaps, many of these insights are familiar to you; nevertheless, such reminders can only benefit you. Ultimately, I hope that viewing this post will encourage you to study the Bible if you haven't already or get back to reading the Word of God if you've strayed away.
1. Malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander are all things that displease God and set you at opposition with HIM.
2. Sin is bondage. Each time you turn back to it, you welcome destruction and chaos into your life.
3. Faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, endurance, love, and humility are all qualities that the righteous possess.
4. God's power is what strengthens and equips you to live a holy and righteous life.
5. God keeps every single one of HIS promises.
6. Win people for Christ through righteous conduct and not excessive speech.
7. People are watching you. Are you kind, respectful, loving, pure, holy? You represent Christ everywhere that you go.
8. Jesus Christ has reconciled us with God the Father through HIS crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. As a result, you have an eternal inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading.
9. The reward for righteousness, as well as the penalty for sin is sure.
10. God calls us to serve one another with loving intent and without desire for gain.
Remember that this is an open forum. Do you have questions about Jesus Christ, the need for salvation, or what qualifies as sin? Leave your questions and your responses below. Let's grow in Christ together.