Happy Thursday to you!
"In all things, give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." Whether your circumstances seem awful beyond comprehension or blessed beyond belief, today is your chance to be grateful. "For what?” you ask. Well, I cannot tell you everything that is going on in your life. However, I know a few things about you: 1) You're alive. 2) You can see. 3) You have access to the internet. 4) You can read this message. 5) God is good to you! Last week, we talked about the truth that gratitude is power. This week, we take it a step further. If gratitude is power, then the grateful possess authority. Yes, it’s true. When you press beyond your circumstances to declare thanksgiving, you connect with the Most High in a spectacular way. The bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people. So, whenever you give thanks, You’re in His presence. Who would want to ever leave the presence of God? Certainly, not me! "In His presence, there is fullness of joy and at His right hand, pleasures forevermore." I’ve experienced a lot of triumph in my lifetime. I’ve also experienced tremendous pain. I am a living testimony of the power of gratitude. It is never easy to give thanks in tough times. However, it is always worth it. That’s why I want you to join me today in this weekly celebration. I’m going to share my list with you. Feel free to write your own gratitude list in the comment section or type one up, print it, and post it on your bedroom wall. Then, refer to the list from time to time and give thanks.
Weekly Gratitude List
- I am thankful for God’s favor and subsequent provision.
- I am thankful to be alive at this very moment.
- I am thankful for God’s healing.
- I am grateful for the lives of my family members.
- I am grateful for the lives of my friends.
- I am grateful for God’s covering and protection as we travel to various destinations.
- I am thankful for new opportunities and the chance to be successful.
- I am thankful for the people God has placed in my life to bless me.
- I am thankful that through God’s grace and mercy, I am an overcomer.
- I am grateful for all the people that have received salvation through Christ this year. Welcome to the family!
- I am thankful that in Christ I have hope for a victorious future.
- Thank you Lord for sustaining your people.
- I am grateful for the steadfast love of the Lord.
What about you? What are you grateful for today? Go on! Tell me! I cannot wait to celebrate the greatness happening in your life.
Psalm 34:1 I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.